Despite the technology found in today’s infrared saunas, the basic sauna principles haven’t changed much in 2000 years: heat to make us sweat makes us feel better.

Whether you’re a new sauna owner or an experienced user who’s looking to change up their sauna routine, here are five ways to use your infrared sauna. Which one will you try during your next sweat session?

Heat up the sauna and take a seat



Yes, this is what most people do. You can get in your infrared sauna at any time, you don’t have to wait until the sauna is fully heated - we recommend at 105ºF or higher. Entering early may help those who are new to saunas and still acclimating to the heat and those trying to build up to longer sessions.

Some of our newer units like our Full Spectrum have Bluetooth-enabled sound systems so you can listen to music, a podcast, an audiobook, or anything you’d like. One of the great benefits of an infrared sauna is that it’s relatively dry, which makes it great for reading a book or magazine without damaging the pages. Infrared saunas are relatively safer for electronics at lower temperatures as well. Many of our users use their tablets and smartphones in their saunas - just keep the devices away from the heater and out of the direct path of the infrared waves.

Reverse the process

Start by heating the sauna to your desired temperature and warm your body while the sauna is heating - exercise, use a hot tub, or take a hot shower. When the sauna is hot enough for you, get in and turn the sauna off. Our infrared saunas are well insulated, so you will be nice and warm for a long time. You may enjoy the quiet darkness, add battery operated candles, or use the external LED lights as desired. The point is to cool down in the sauna.

Take the plunge

Many traditional sauna experiences in Europe send users out into the cold - by either a quick plunge into cold water like a lake or a brief trip outside into snow or other cold weather. You can recreate this exhilarating experience at home no matter the season. Break up your sauna session with a cool or cold shower, depending on your tolerance level, then get back into the sauna. This works for both traditional and infrared saunas.

Work on your skin and body

One of the great benefits of saunas is that they work on your skin too. This is why Hollywood stars use infrared saunas. Make your sauna session to do more with these tips:

  • Wait until your body starts glistening with perspiration, then use an exfoliating washcloth to gently scrub your face and body.
  • Improve lymphatic drainage and the look of cellulite by dry brushing your body.
  • Get more pain relief from your sauna session by using a fascia release tool on bothersome areas. These tools work better when the body is warm. Many fascia release products do double duty by reducing the look of cellulite and enhancing skin elasticity. Don't forget to use oil - oil gels are easier to use in the sauna and less likely to spill.

Yoga or Stretching

Do you have one of our larger units like the Vitality or Pride? Try doing a few stretching and yoga moves, the heat will allow you a wider range of motion.

Don’t forget to work out your mind too! Check out mobile apps like Headspace and Calm to reduce anxiety and invoke a meditative atmosphere. Perfect for our smaller units like the Bliss, Sparkle, and Glory.

Which routine will you try next? Which is your favorite? Let us know by contacting us or posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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